
[log]Ubuntu 8.04 升级Pidgin 2.5.1

首次尝试编译安裝! pidgin 2.5.1
$ ./configure
才发现要增补那么多 头文件库!

Build GTK+ 2.x UI............. : yes
Build console UI.............. : no
Build for X11................. : yes

Enable Gestures............... : yes
Protocols to build dynamically : bonjour gg irc jabber msn myspace novell oscar qq sametime simple yahoo zephyr
Protocols to link statically.. :

Build with GStreamer support.. : yes
Build with D-Bus support...... : yes
D-Bus services directory...... : /usr/share/dbus-1/services
Build with NetworkManager..... : yes
SSL Library/Libraries......... : GnuTLS
Build with Cyrus SASL support. : no
Use kerberos 4 with zephyr.... : no
Use external libzephyr........ : no
Install pixmaps............... : yes
Install translations.......... : yes
Has you....................... : yes

Use XScreenSaver Extension.... : yes
Use X Session Management...... : yes
Use startup notification...... : yes
Build with GtkSpell support... : yes

Build with plugin support..... : yes
Build with Mono support....... : no
Build with Perl support....... : yes
Build with Tcl support........ : yes
Build with Tk support......... : yes

Print debugging messages...... : no

Pidgin will be installed in /usr/local/bin.
Warning: You have an old copy of Pidgin at /usr/bin/pidgin.

configure complete, now type 'make'

Humanzee smiley theme for Pidgin GNOME-Look.org

Human Pidgin Theme GNOME-Look.org

给 Pidgin 换上 iChat 通知区域图标 - Nicky's blog

gogo !

PE keeps evolving organizations which promoting people be good!'''
